Yaaa MotherFuckerrsss!

Thank you for helping me become the man I am. Thank you for always being there when I've needed you.

This is the place where I sincerely ask for your help in the quest to save my life. (My medical costs are overwhelming)

I party sober now and am touched to know that I influence you as much as you influence me.

Your donations are more appreciated than you will ever know.

Much love #EllisFam!
Thank you, MotherFuckerrsss!!!

*Donation directions listed below*

PayPal Donation Directions

Please follow directions to avoid PayPal fee deductions:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account - PayPal.com
  2. Choose "Send Money" tab
  3. Enter 4oxyjohn@gmail.com (to)
  4. Fill in the dollar amount you wish to donate
  5. Select currency type if applicable (Default is USD)
  6. Choose the "Personal" tab
  7. Select "Gift"
  8. Click on Continue

To Send Checks or Money Orders

If you do NOT have a PayPal account and would like to help OxyJohn by sending a check or money order, please make Payable to "J.B.'s" and mail to: J.B.'s, 8441 Homewood Dr., Dittmer MO, 63023